Biobb PYTORCH Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
What’s new in version 5.0.0?
CI/CD: Update set-up micromamba.
CI/CD: Adding global properties to test yaml configuration
CI/CD: Update GA test workflow to Python >3.9
DOCS: Updating to Python 3.9
CI/CD: Update .gitignore to include the new file extensions to ignore
CI/CD: Change test conf.yml to adapt to new settings configuration
What’s new in version 4.2.1?
[CI/CD] Updating checkout GA action to v4
[TESTS] Avoiding type hint checking in test files
[CI/CD] Add sync workflow for CASTIEL project
[DOCS] Updating command line documentation
[FIX] Adding shebang to the file first line
[FIX] Adding mypy_cache to gitignore
[DOCS] Update Bioschemas
What’s new in version 4.2.0?
[DOCS] Adding fair software badge and GA
[TESTS] Disabling equality tests for CI/CD pipelines
[TEST] Update both tests and test data to use a common seed
[FIX] Adding .vscode to gitignore
[FIX] Taking apart the training and evaluation functions to avoid artifacs
[FIX] Converting nm to Angstroms in plots
[FEATURE] Adding Change log file
What’s new in version 4.1.4?
New features:
Added new seed parameter to the
module to set the seed for the random number generator. Default value is None.